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Product Code: YCH2T3
Product Name: YOCO 2D TO 3D Board
Product Plan: H Series
Category: Special  effect  Board

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    YCH2T3 is a special board that can ordinary 2D video into 3D video, it allows you to film at home you can enjoy the three-dimensional effect; no 3D film source, a key can be set easily 2D to 3D sources for new sources for the conversion, do not 3D for the high cost of pay, as long as the transfer with a Yao Section 2D 3D driver board, accompanied by Yao Section TV driver board can be, to bring Vice-cool 3D color filter glasses can watch real full impact of the shock three-dimensional video effects to make you immediately into the immersive space, feel the movie real scene, is simple and can be transferred at any time 2D 3D, 2D, video conversion restored, three-dimensional or flat, three-dimensional or two-dimensional, controlled by your hand. Will not affect any other movie or watching television.

     "Geocentric Adventure" 3D Version:looking directly at the effect of ghosting,color cast

    3D projection technologies: red and blue filter technology

    Polarization techniques are so obscure, of course, a relatively high technical difficulty. So some of the more low-end of the theaters before did not use the polarization technique, but using the common red and blue filter technology, everyone in attendance will receive a "papered" the glasses.

    ● Principles of image separation technology

    Many people have seen the red and blue glasses, the frames, glasses frame materials are made of paper, a red lens is nothing but a basket made of two transparent plastic lens, you can say it was zero-cost products.

    NVIDIA 3D Vision also has a solution is to use red and blue eyes

    Using filter technology to produce three-dimensional film, the camera when shooting to the front of the cameras were installed around the blue / red filter, allowing only the blue / red light through, preventing most of the red / blue. Of course, now do not have to use video capture filter, in fact, can be removed through post-processing some color (such as Photoshop filters).

    Principles of red and blue filter technology

    When viewers need to see a movie with a red and blue filter glasses, then left the projector screen through the red lens (left eye), shooting out of the red pixels automatically removed to restore, as it passes through the blue lens (right eye) is large part is filtered out, leaving only a very dim picture of the human brain which can easily be ignored; and vice versa, the right projector to the screen by shooting the blue lens (right eye), shooting out of the blue pixels removed automatically restored, resulting in another point of the picture, as it passes through a red lens (left eye) were filtered out in most, leaving only dim images. After these two filters, after the picture angle is still the color cast, but when the eye passed to the brain, will be automatically synthesized to generate three-dimensional images close to the original color.

    Then, the left and right eyes to see the image transmitted to the brain, the brain will automatically receive relatively true picture, and give up the dark blurred images, which produce three-dimensional displacement based on color and distance.

    From the overall experience of using the point of view, 3D stereo effect is very obvious, but the disadvantages are also obvious, after all, it is only through the realization of the two color filter effects, color cast can not be avoided so that the effect of large 3D discount, and if the three-dimensional displacement of large, then the brain will not be able to automatic synthesis of two images of color cast, and this will cause the loss of three-dimensional.

    Films produced using the filter principle fully compatible with all display devices, we only need a pair of red and green glasses cost a few dollars is enough. In fact early low-end three-dimensional movie theater or on the use of such programs.

Copyright 2010 深圳市耀科电子科技有限公司
版权所有 粤ICP备05128305号 技术支持:互联极速

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