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Product Code: YCM6MEMC
Product Name: YOCO MEMC Board
Product Plan: M Series
Category: Special effect Board

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    YCM6MEMC intelligent driver board with a new motion compensation technology, to create unparalleled picture clarity, it is automatically analyzed by the movement of trends in two adjacent frames and generate a new frame will be automatically upgraded to 60HZ 120HZ field frequency output, eliminating the screen jitter and flicker to make the screen as smooth as silk fine.

       This picture shows the screen refresh rate will increase to 120Hz, with a transition generated interpolation image is "TCL LCD L52M71F MEMC technology stores the measured "screen, from World Wide Web home network, is hereby noted.

    So,MEMCtechnology and100/120Hztechnology are inseparable.

    MEMCtechnology effectiveness and advantages

    Sports Jitter, the real sports HD: HD movie mode judder removal feature provides amazing movement smooth and stable picture.


    Campaign to eliminate tailing, high-definition motion picture so visible.


    Diagonal compensation: significant re-image diagonal information, eliminating the step-like profile


    Resolution enhancement: Restore original definition of the marginal profile

    Contrast Enhancement: full exhaustion of the contrast range.

      MEMC: Motion Estimate and Motion Compensation;the motion estimation and motion compensation, motion used in LCD TV picture quality compensation. The principle is a dynamic imaging system, in the traditional between the two images inserted a frame motion compensation, the ordinary flat TV50/60Hzrefresh rate raised to100/120Hz. This motion picture is more clear and smooth, better than the normal response effect, so as to achieve clear images on a blur, the effect of improving the dynamic resolution, tailing down to the image difficult to perceive the extent of the human eye.

      Such as a flow of the original image frame sequence is:


      MEMCtechnology through the partition blocks in both directions in the horizontal and vertical movement of the image on the trend from the original to be analyzed later in

      To insert a variety of intermediate frame between frames, frame after frame inserted sequence becomes:

      1 1C 2 2C 3 3C 4 4C 5 5C 6

      This field frequency to the original show is not all the frames, so we need about double the field frequency, and from50/60Hzup to100/120Hz.

Copyright 2010 深圳市耀科电子科技有限公司
版权所有 粤ICP备05128305号 技术支持:互联极速

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