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Senior Chinese official visits Israel, Palestine,
时间:2010-4-23 16:19:15,点击:0
A senior official of the Chinese political consultative body visited Israel, Palestine, and Hungary between April 11-19.

Du Qinglin, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and head of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, held talks with Majalli Wahabi, deputy speaker of the Israeli Parliament, and Tayeb Abdul Rahim, secretary general of the Palestinian National Authority.

Du also met with representatives of the overseas Chinese and briefed them on China's policies on Tibet and the struggle with the Dalai group.

He hoped that overseas Chinese could firmly defend the core interests of China, safeguard China's territorial and sovereign integrity, fight with separatists and be strong protectors of the peace and reunification of the motherland and the solidarity and rapprochement of the nation.

Due to the Qinghai earthquake, Du cancelled a trip to Poland and Belgium and returned home ahead of schedule.
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